Saturday, September 14, 2013

Another Birthday...

Yesterday my whole body was aching with pain, I was feeling down and could hardly function or get out of bed. I had no idea why I was feeling so sad. I hadn't used my computer and had no will to and was unaware of the date. Yet, today I realized why there was that heaviness in my heart resonating throughout my body. It was September 14th...

September 14, 2004, was a bright shiny day in Montreal, Canada. I was beaming with joy as I held my healthy newborn. The whole family gathered around the hospital bed to greet him as he smiled back at them. Yes, my newborn smiled as he filled our lives with joy...

The happiness of that day weighs heavily on me today, seven years after he passed away. How does a mother mourn the loss of her child on his birthday? There is no easy way, they are all painful.
It is fascinating how the human mind works. This year mine choose to block the date, yet my heart grieved nevertheless. Indeed, the heart of a mother never forgets...

Although you are not here, and in my mind you are always my little toddler, I still imagine you growing. Yesterday you would've turned 9 and probably started 3rd grade. We would've gathered around a birthday cake with your friends and sang you "happy birthday". After you blew your candles, I would've given you a big kiss and hug. Oh how I wish I can...
But I know you are in a far better place now. 

Happy birthday my little angel. I miss you...

Related links:
A Tribute To My Son

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life Is Short...

Last Thursday, September 5th I had just returned home from a late night movie and logged on to twitter to check what was happening in the world, while I was offline. I started tweeting my reactions about the scary movie I had just watched, "The Conjuring", when I received a tweet informing me that someone I knew passed away. 

That was the shocking way I sadly learned about the death of our 24 year old friend and fellow activist. Ibrahim Mothana, was a healthy promising young man who died peacefully in his sleep. I read posts and messages people wrote to mourn him as I also wrote about his tragic loss throughout the week. I was overwhelmed with pain for his loss as were many others, friends, family and acquaintances from around the world.

Last week also a well known Egyptian celebrity, Dr. Bassem Youssef lost his mother and yesterday he published a touching tribute to mourn her. (Original Arabic article here). His words moved me to tears and made me reflect once again on this daunting subject.

Indeed it is always painful when one is confronted with death. I have lost friends and relatives and have witnessed many friends loose their loved ones too. I am very familiar with death. I sadly lost my father and more painfully and tragically I lost my child. Yet last week I was shaken by death once again.

Ibrahim's death was similar in a way to my own loss. It was sad, sudden and very tragic. How does one expect a 24 year old to suddenly pass away when he has his whole life ahead of him...or even a 1 year old? Yet death is the common visitor who knows no age, comes unannounced and often unexpected. As a Muslim, I respect and accept that and believe that is God's will, yet it is painful to deal with nevertheless.

Death is the ultimate truth that we often forget. I didn't write this post to reflect on death, nor share my wisdom, I did that previously. I am writing this post to remind ourselves that we should not take life or people for granted. We should let those people who matter to us know that we love and appreciate them at every chance we have. We should let them know today, while they are amongst us, how much we care about them and are glad to have them in our lives.

This morning I read this quote and it resonated and I decided to share it with everyone:

Life is too short and death doesn't give second chances. Make sure you express your emotions to those you care about so that you have no remorse.

Therefore if you are a friend or relative reading this, I want you to know that I care about you and I am truly blessed and grateful to have you in my life. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

In Remembrance of Yemen's Ibrahim @imothanaYemen

Ibrahim Mothana (Oct, 23, 1988 - Sept, 5, 2013)

Today I am sadly mourning the death of a friend I got to know through twitter as @imothanaYemen. Although I never met him personally, only virtually, he was one of those people who cross our timelines and into our lives and leave a huge impression. Ibrahim Mothana was a young 24 year old prominent activist and writer from Yemen whom I first followed on twitter and was very impressed by his depth and wisdom at such a young age. He was the Co-founder of Watan Party and Arab Thought Foundation 2011 ambassador. Although Ibrahim was not a founding member of @SupportYemen, he certainly was an honorary one, contributing to debates and moderating google hangout discussions with the independent youth in Yemen's national conference, part1part2 and part3 (Arabic).

Ibrahim was a brilliant speaker, a great thinker, a gentle friendly person, a witty character who inspired us in so many ways. He did so much for Yemen in his short lived, yet impactful, life and had hoped to accomplish much more. His dreams for Yemen were bigger than life. Ibrahim's sudden death is truly a great loss for the country and for all those who knew him. He died peacefully in his sleep. May God have mercy on his soul and may he rest in peace. 

  • This is a link to a TedxSanaa talk by Ibrahim in Arabic: 

We will never forget Ibrahim's sense of humor in explaining Yemen's politics as a monopoly game:

Nor his Alicyclopedia explaining the many powerful Ali's in Yemen:

Nor the work of foreign journalists in Yemen:

This is a summary of who he was as posted in his linked-in profile:

"Ibrahim is a 24-year old writer, activist and social entrepreneur from Yemen. He started writing at the age of 12 and his commentary has been featured in numerous publications, most notably, The New York Times, CNN and Aljazeera English. Ibrahim is a co-founder of Watan Party and Yemen Enlightenment Debate.

Ibrahim has successfully worked in launching many projects and initiatives, and implemented several awareness creation programs in local communities around Yemen. He gained considerable experience working and volunteering with many national and international organizations, including the UNESCO, World Bank, Arab Thought Foundation, Human Rights Watch and many others. He was the youngest international monitor in the 2006 presidential and local elections in Yemen, as well as the 2012 presidential election in Egypt and the Public National Council election in Libya. He has a voluntary work experience in Ethiopia, India, Japan, Germany and other countries.

In 2010, Ibrahim became the youngest member of the Arab Thought Foundation Advisory Committee, which is constituted of a group of distinguished business and academic intellectuals from the Arab World, providing the foundation with guidance on its operation and a range of critical matters. Ibrahim is also an Arab Thought Youth Ambassador, a Global Changemaker, Oxfam Action Partner, Swedish Institute YLVP alumnus and a UNESCO young ESD voice. He was a speaker at many international events, including the UNESCO general conference, World Economic Forum on the Middle East, Istanbul World Forum, Jeddah Economic Forum, the Yemen in Transition conference at Harvard University and the Tällberg Forum.

Ibrahim studied Business Management at the University of Science and Technology and is currently studying Social Innovation at Lund University in Sweden. He successfully completed courses in different fields and holds two diplomas from the United Nations University in Tokyo and Amman."

 Good bye my friend, gone so young, yet never forgotten...